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A photo of Isabelle, a tutor from Dartmouth College


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Hello, I am a recent Dartmouth grad who majored in Mathematics. I am very grateful for my Ivy League education for shaping me into who I am today, and want to share my insights and study skills I've learned over the years. I have extensive tutoring experience as I worked as a Peer Tutor and Conversation Partner at Dartmouth's Academic Skills Center. In addition to my strong mathematics background, I am also very passionate about languages. I'm fluent in three languages (Korean, French and English) and can also speak conversational Spanish and Japanese. Feel free to contact me if you want an enthusiastic, fun, and smart tutor with extensive math and language knowledge! :)

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Isabelle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Dartmouth College - Bachelor in Arts, Mathematics


When I am not studying, I spend most of my time reading French classics, watching K-dramas or old Hollywood movies on Netflix. I am also currently working on my nonprofit that I founded to fundraise for victims of domestic violence amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions :)

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Calculus AB

AP French

AP French Language and Culture

Conversational French


French 1

French 2

French 3

French 4





Latin 1

Latin 2

Latin 3

Latin 4


SAT Subject Test in French with Listening

SAT Subject Test in Korean with Listening

SAT Subject Tests Prep

Test Prep

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