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A photo of Drake, a tutor from Central Michigan University


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I have a passion for understanding the vast world of knowledge in subject areas such as accounting, finance, and real estate. I enjoying sharing that understanding with anyone I can in my pursuit to becoming a professional. I have my studies set on passing the CPA and CFP exams in the near future, and I'd love to share all of my study techniques and strategies that I have learned over the years.

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Drake’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Central Michigan University - Bachelor in Business Administration, Accounting and Finance


Football, Capital Markets, Camping

Tutoring Subjects



Business Enterprise

Business Ethics


College Accounting

Exam IFM - Investment and Financial Markets


Financial Accounting

Insurance License

Mac Basic Computer Skills

Managerial Accounting

Microsoft Office


Personal Finance

Professional Certifications

Series 66

Series 7

Series 7 - General Securities Representative Exam (Stockbroker)


Technology and Coding

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