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A photo of Kayla, a tutor from University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth


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I am a self-determined and meticulous worker that has worked my whole life in order to be the first in my family to obtain a college degree. In high school, I juggled taking 16 college credits, being a part of New Hampshire Scholars and being a student-athlete along side my required course curriculum.

In college, I am pursuing a BA in Philosophy and a minor in Mathematics. I am also the captain of the NCAA recognized Women's Swim Team, at my university. After college I am looking to further my education and obtain an MBA in Business Marketing. I am always looking for ways to challenge myself and push the limits in both my academic endeavors and in the workplace.

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Kayla’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth - Current Undergrad Student, Philosophy


Swimming. hiking

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

American Literature

College English

College Level American Literature

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing


High School English

High School Writing



Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Writing



Philosophical Ethics



Social Sciences

Social Studies


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Test Prep

UK A Level Prep

UK A Level Critical Thinking

UK A Level English Language

UK A Level Philosophy

UK A Level Psychology

UK A Level Thinking Skills

World Civilization


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