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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Troy University


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From a very young age I was always interested in how and why people do and act the way that they do. It always struck me as interesting that humans in general were not the same, while some may look alike, no 2 people think and behave alike. I am as analytical and logical as they come, to me there is only black and white, there is no grey. I have tried to be the type of person that can see the grey areas in the world, but it has never worked effectively. Academically, I set out to figure out why the human brain is the way that it is, why it works the way that it does, and why people act with certain behaviors while others do not, hence my interest and degress in Psychology and social sciences.

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Troy University - Bachelor of Science, Counseling Psychology

Graduate Degree: Troy University - Non Degree Bachelors, Social Sciences


cooking, reading, sewing, embroidery and applique, knitting, fashion and makeup, my children

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

American Literature

Clinical Psychology

College English

College Level American Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Philosophical Ethics

Public Speaking

Social Sciences

Spelling Bee

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding


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