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A photo of Hailee, a tutor from Oklahoma City Community College


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I first started writing when I was three and asked my mom to write down a story about a caterpillar while I told it to her. Since then, my love for the reading and writing has grown tremendously. My first published work was a small collection of poems and since then I have progressed by getting several news articles and a novella published. Currently, I am still honing my craft by taking multiple courses in subjects such as News Writing, Creative Writing, and Literary Analysis.

Teaching was never far from me, as my mother was a teacher. I learned from her the joy that comes from seeing a student succeed and the dedication teaching requires. I am an enthusiastic person and I love sharing my joy for the written word with others!

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Hailee’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Oklahoma City Community College - Associate in Arts, Journalism


Writing, Hiking, Reading, Crafting

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


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