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A photo of Roberta, a tutor from University of Delaware


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First let me say, I love education. It is a marvelous gift and I am excited to have the opportunity to share in your learning experience. No matter the challenge, together, we will find a way.

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Roberta’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Delaware - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology

Graduate Degree: Marymount University - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


Jewelry making, beading, painting watercolors and acrylics, quilting, and card making.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Computer Science Principles

Basic Computer Literacy


Business Ethics

Business Statistics

Business Writing

College Business

College Economics

Computer Architecture

Digital Media


Elementary School Reading


Financial Accounting

GMAT Analytical Writing Assessment

Graduate Test Prep

GRE Analytical Writing


Intermediate Accounting

International Business

Managerial Accounting



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Reading


PC Basic Computer Skills

Personal Finance

Project Management/PMP


Social Networking

Social Sciences

Statistics Graduate Level

Technology and Coding

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