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A photo of Yuan, a tutor from Wuhan University of Science and Technology


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I have Master of Science degree in Applied Statistics at Teachers College, Columbia University. I like helping students learn both academically and mentally. After graduation, I worked as a math teacher in a private middle school in Bronx, New York. In my class, a 8th grade student who used to struggle in math proudly solved problems on the 9th grade level. The big smile on my student's face is the biggest reward to me. I want to bring out the confidence in math for many other students throughout the country.

Currently I am a math teacher at a local learning center. My students are from 7th grade to 12th grade. Recently I've been working with students preparing for their SAT/ACT exams.

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Yuan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wuhan University of Science and Technology - Bachelor of Engineering, Computer Science

Graduate Degree: Teachers College at Columbia University - Master of Science, Statistics

Test Scores

GRE Quantitative: 170


World of Warcraft, Houston Rockets

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