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A photo of Okechuku, a tutor from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


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I'm easy going, I get along with most people I meet and I enjoy helping others out. I feel that knowing a subject and knowing how to teach said subject can be quite different. Being able to relate to different types of people and understanding different learning styles is extremely important and listening for comprehension, as a teacher/tutor, is a necessary skill that I don't see enough of. Knowing how crucial it is, I try my best to really listen and understand the learners point of view in order to make the most out of any teaching opportunity.

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Okechuku’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree: University of Hartford - Current Grad Student, Physical Therapy


Anything outdoors, playing sports (not so much watching), animal science, social science and spending time with friends and family.

Tutoring Subjects


High School Biology

High School Physics


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Science


PC Basic Computer Skills



Technology and Coding

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