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"Learn the rules like a pro so that you can break them like an artist" -Pablo Picasso

I am a guitar player and professional musician looking to share the gift of music with students and help them develop musical understanding and creativity in addition to guitar techniques.

I started playing guitar through the guitar program at Whitney Young Magnet High School. I learned a lot about music there and discovered I it was something I am very passionate about. the curriculum there was very rock and blues based and this basis has greatly influenced me as a musician.

For the past 2 years I have been studying Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology, and have also been enrolled in classes at Vandercook College of Music. Here I have greatly expanded my musical horizons, taking music theory classes, playing in the jazz band, and learning to play classical guitar.

guitar has had a tremendous impact on my life and it all started with a great teacher. I hope to share what I have learned with my students so that they too can experience they joy of playing an instrument and discovering music.

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Alex’s Qualifications


I enjoy listening to music, playing in bands, and meeting new people

Tutoring Subjects



Music Theory

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