Certified Tutor
After 18 months on the road, in Colorado, California and Oregon, I have purchased a home in Nehalem, Oregon on the North Coast of the Pacific. I have 18 months experience doing on line tutoring with Varsity Tutors and 30 years of face to face teaching and tutoring experience. I chose to work as an independent contractor with Varsity because they provide the best tutor supports.
I am a trained and certified Wilson Language Dyslexia Tutor. I am passionate about teaching children with learning differences to understand their UNIQUE and wonderful brains. I love showing and explaining to students how their learning style impacts their school success and how to understand teachers so they can unlock the path to better grades. I am an excellent diagnostician and I can quickly identify student concerns. I have supported many parents find ways for their schools to support their children's learning needs.
My educational background includes teaching experience from PreK to college. I have held a Maryland State Advanced Professional Certificate in Early Childhood, Elementary, Reading Specialist and School Administration.
My desire is to help students become a more confident learners. I believe the tutoring relationship determines the success of the time we spend together. I enjoy working with students of all ages. My current students range from Grade 1 to Grade 11. I use on line resources such as Quizlet, Khan Academy, Wilson InterActive and teaching apps and games. My objective is for your student to LOVE to be tutored. As I teach them how to learn they will be less dependent on my support, less frustrated with homework and more likely to read independently.
My best experiences are when I can develop trust and rapport with my students and show them the many ways I have learned to solve problems. I consider myself a gifted educator and loving, kind soul whose gifts are best used helping others learn.
I am an excellent communicator and I prefer face to face and phone contact over texting or email, although I use all methods to communicate with my families.
I look forward to teaching you or your student.
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Undergraduate Degree: Towson University - Bachelor of Science, Elementary School Teaching
Graduate Degree: Towson University - Master of Arts Teaching, Reading Teacher Education
Travel and tutoring dyslexic students
Learning Differences
Reading Intervention
Wilson Reading
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