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A photo of Lee, a tutor from Plymouth State University


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As an elementary and middle school educator, it is my belief that all students, regardless of socio-economic status, physical or intellectual ability, should be offered the opportunity to discover and explore their innate potential as learners. In my classroom, I aim to help students achieve both an aesthetic and academic understanding of learning, as well as, practical history and geography skills. As a result, my curriculum focuses on meeting the Common Core Standards for Learning.
In my classroom, the student is an active participant in his or her education. They grow as learners through trying unfamiliar activities, refining skills through practice, and reflecting on areas of growth and finally supplementing understanding with deeper study.
Also, my role as an educator not only includes aspects of the student teacher relationship, but also frequent communication between teachers, administrators, parents, and other school professionals. I believe that the education of every child is a team effort that begins first with collaboration and communication.
In summary, my charge as an educator is to bring all of my students into a life-long love of history and geography, while solidifying that appreciation with practical skills and true higher level thinking. I aim to optimize the talents of my students and help create the next generation of independent and creative learners.

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Lee’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Plymouth State University - Bachelor of Science, Geography

Graduate Degree: Rhode Island College - Master of Arts, Elementary and Middle School Administration



Tutoring Subjects


High School Geography

High School Level American History

Middle School English

Social Studies

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