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A photo of Paul, a tutor from ITT Technical Institute-Lake Mary


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I believe in connecting with a student. Finding common ground then building on what we both know to achieve the goals we need.
I use a student led style, this give confidence and builds further knowledge.

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Paul’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: ITT Technical Institute-Lake Mary - Bachelor of Science, Computer and Information Systems Security

Graduate Degree: ITT Technical Institute-Lake Mary - Certificate, Computer and Information Systems Security


Computer science, action movies, Philadelphia Sports.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing

Adult Literacy

American Literature

AP Computer Science Principles

Basic Computer Literacy




College English

College Level American Literature

Computer Architecture

Computer Theory

Distributed Computing

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Elementary School

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


Essay Editing

GED Prep

GED Math

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Science

GED Social Studies

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Writing


Mac Basic Computer Skills



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Writing


Parallel Computing

PC Basic Computer Skills

Philosophical Ethics

Public Speaking

Quantum Computing

Relational Databases


Social Networking

Spelling Bee


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Technology and Coding

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