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A photo of Tyler, a tutor from University of Florida


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My mission is to ensure every student grows to be the most successful version of themself they can be. Whether it be through preparing you to get admitted to your most desired university, or pushing you through the collegiate finish line to land the career of your dreams, your success is my success.

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Tyler’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering

Graduate Degree: University of Florida - Master of Engineering, Civil Engineering


My hobbies and interests include: health and fitness, traffic engineering, traveling, current events, and as a native Floridian, of course, the beach!

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2


Business Ethics

Civil and Environmental Engineering

College English

College Physics



English Grammar and Syntax



Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Middle School Science



Spelling Bee

Statics and Dynamics

Technology and Coding


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