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A photo of Angelica, a tutor from Grand Canyon University


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I graduated high school from Bakersfield Christian high school and went out to Arizona to now attend Grand Canyon University for a degree studying Special and Elementary Education. Teaching is a major passion for me because I love kids and want each student to find how they can be successful in life by finding their own passion. Through middle and high school, I tutored any elementary subject that was needed for the children I babysat for. For my friends that I tutored, I mostly stuck with math and history because those are the subjects I did best in. I don't have a specific tutoring style because I think it is best to accommodate for the students needs individually, not just assume what works for one child is going to work for another. Although a lot of my time is taken up with school and work, I also enjoy reading, painting, and anything that gives me an excuse to hang out with my friends.

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Angelica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Grand Canyon University - Bachelor of Education, Education of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs


God, friends, movies, books, music, painting, road trips, and pretty much anything else that can be done with friends.

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


High School World History


Middle School Math




Social Studies

Special Education


STAAR Grades 3-8 Prep

World History

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