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A photo of KaShonna, a tutor from Waldon University


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I remember when I first needed help from a tutor my freshman year of college. There I was, expecting to know everything about Algebra without having to ask for help. Boy, was I wrong! My tutor was very personal and helped me to feel confident about learning an "old subject in a new way." I thought to myself, if I ever got the chance to help another in this way, I would be just like that.

Years passed after receiving my undergrad and graduate degrees and I began teaching finance on the college level. I immediately converted my mindset back to that student who "needed to learn an old topic in a new way." I was personable and admitted my past failures and how I turned them to successes. The success of my students with this approach forever blazed the trail for me to keep teaching and keep learning. Thus, I am glad to be able to assist in this platform.

When I'm not pouring my heart out in the realm of tutoring, I'm attending dance class with my 2 year old and spending time with my husband.

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KaShonna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Waldon University - Masters in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Test Scores

ACT English: 32

ACT Reading: 32


Dance, learning new languages, medicine, cooking

Tutoring Subjects

ACT English

ACT Reading


College English

Elementary School Writing


GED Prep

GED Math

GED Reasoning Through Language Arts

GED Science

GED Social Studies

Microsoft Office

Public Speaking

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

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