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A photo of Riley, a tutor from Rose State College


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I want to help students reach or surpass their own personal goals in the most effective way possible by understanding what they are trying to accomplish, how they are trying to accomplish it , and how I can help them improve on their own personal skills.

A little bit about myself I am currently pursuing a Bach. in Aerospace Engineering. I have always been very good at math in fact there were some grades where I feel I was teaching myself.I have never tutored for money before. This is not to suggest that I have never tutored because I have tutored Algebra 1, AP Calculus AB, AP Physics 1 , and ACT. If you are interested I hope we can work something out!

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Riley’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rose State College - Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering

Test Scores

ACT Math: 33

ACT Reading: 34


Tennis, archery, video games , chess, swimming, dirt biking,bicycling, trumpet, and German Language and Culture.

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