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A photo of Jeanne, a tutor from University of New Hampshire-Main Campus


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I would love to teach elementary school and middle school students in my areas of interest.
They are: Nutrition, cooking skills, math, the biological sciences, reading, and writing.
I currently produce a podcast called "healing outside the box", which deals with issues of food safety and sustainability, as well as nutrition. I enjoy discussing these topics.
I also encourage students to ask about basic anatomy and nutrition-related chronic illnesses.

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Jeanne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of New Hampshire-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Clinical Nutrition

Graduate Degree: Cornell University - Master of Science, Food Science


Reading (nonfiction), gardening, watching movies (mostly dramas), sitting by the ocean, cooking and collecting recipes

Tutoring Subjects

CDR - Commission on Dietetic Registration


English Grammar and Syntax

Kindergarten Readiness

Late Elementary Reading Comprehension



Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Science




Professional Certifications

Reading Fundamentals: Phonics and Decoding

Robust Reading Class


Short Story Fairytales


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