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A photo of Afnan, a tutor from New York Institute of Technology


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I'm a 4th year medical student. I graduated college with magna cum laude and I was the valedictorian of my high school class. My interest grew from having great teachers and mentors. They taught me that just having the knowledge doesn't make one a great tutor. Instead, teaching is an art, which is excelled through proper preparation and experience.

I show up to every tutoring session prepared with a lesson plan and practice questions. However, while being prepared is important, I am always ready to change up the lesson plan based on the student's need. It is important to assess the student's learning style. While some students learn quicker through doing practice questions, others are visual learners and need more of a creative approach.

I have a lot of experience in tutoring. My first tutoring experience was as a junior in high school. I tutored students starting from elementary school to high school. I tutored them in reading, writing and prepared them for their standardized school. One of my student, who didn't get into one of the six specialized high school as an eight grader, was accepted into Bronx Science High School under my guidance in 9th grade.

I continued tutoring throughout college and even in medical school. During college, I tutored underclassmen as well as worked in two different tutoring organization. These organizations were very different. In one of these organizations, I conducted individualized tutorial sessions for students (K-12) with academic deficiencies after determining what skill areas required additional assistance. In the second organization, I lead two-hour study sessions (5-6 students) from K-12th grade for state exams, specialized high school exams, pre-SAT, SAT and ACT. During medical school, I have tutored students for medical board exams.

My strongest subjects have always been math and science. In particular, I am really good in Biology and Chemistry. For college level, I can tutor any biology/chemistry related subjects except organic chemistry.

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Afnan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: New York Institute of Technology - Bachelor of Science, Biology, General

Graduate Degree: St Georges University School of Medicine - Doctor of Medicine, Community Health and Preventive Medicine


Trained in Indian classical dance, certified scuba diver, enjoys running, cooking, baking, and traveling.

Tutoring Subjects

Anatomy & Physiology





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