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A photo of Linda, a tutor from UW Milwaukee


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I have been teaching at the elementary level for 25 years, working with special education students grades 1 through 5, and teaching in the regular classroom grades 4 and 5. I have also worked as a reading interventionist at the elementary level working with children who experience reading difficulties. I have also tutored students for several years in various after school programs.

Outside of tutoring, I enjoy traveling to Europe, Mexico and the United States. Walking and biking are fun types of exercise for me. I also enjoy needlepoint, going to movies, and spending time with my new grandsons.

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Linda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: UW Milwaukee - Bachelor of Education, Education of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs

Graduate Degree: Cardinal Stritch University - Masters in Education, Reading Teacher Education


I love to travel to Europe and Mexico. Enjoy going to movies on weekends. Walking and biking for exercise are also interests of mine. Needlepoint, and baking are hobbies of mine.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing





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