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A photo of Carolyn, a tutor from Lesley University


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I have been teaching almost all of my life. I began at age 12 by babysitting for a young boy who had Downs Syndrome. I was excited when he learned to write his name. I was ecstatic when he tied his shoelaces. I was hooked. Special Ed was for me! When I decided to work part time I had an opportunity to work at St Barnabas Medical Ctr teaching ESL. It was a wonderful experience helping people who wanted to work and do everything they could to improve themselves. It's a wonderful feeling for me to see the smile on a student's face when suddenly they realize "I can do it".

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Carolyn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Lesley University - Bachelor of Education, Education of Individuals in Elementary Special Education Programs


Gardening, Knitting, Animal Rescue

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing






Special Education

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