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A photo of Silvia, a tutor from Paris Lodron Universitt Salzburg


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I am from Austria and my native language is German. I live with my family in the South of Boston. I have a European College education and a PhD in Political Sciences from Paris Lodron University in Salzburg. My minor was History. In addition, I went back to school for a Master in Business Administration later. I am excited about tutoring German and/or European History, either online or in person. I did this a lot back in Europe and worked very successfully with students. My last student was my own son whom I tutored from 2012-2016 in German so he does not lose it. In my "real" life job I am an Executive Assistant. I am a well organized person with a passion to pass on my knowledge and socialize with people from different cultures. In my free time I love to read, to cook, hang out with friends, listen to music. My sportive self loves kayaking, spinning and yoga.

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Silvia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Paris Lodron Universitt Salzburg - Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science and Government

Undergraduate Degree: Paris Lodron Universitaet Salzburg - Bachelor in Business Administration, International Business


Reading, writing, family, cooking, music, spinning, running, kayaking, yoga

Tutoring Subjects


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4


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