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A photo of Sheila, a tutor from University of Scranton


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I specialize in tutoring subjects including English reading and writing, law, torts, negligence, construction, commercial liability, insurance, property & casualty claims, bad faith issues, management, and leadership topics.

At work, I specialize in resolving complex commercial conflicts, nationwide, involving Property, Liability, and Automobile lines of business, including Bad Faith.

In my personal time, I support charitable organizations by knitting and donating hats for non-profit fundraising, and for use within low income, under-represented groups, and victims of domestic violence.

I have a special interest in STEM and data analytics and have attended the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. I am a supporter of the National Center for Women and Information Technology.

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Sheila’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Scranton - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: Widener University-Harrisburg Campus - Juris Doctor, English


Knitting, reading

Tutoring Subjects

Administrative Law

American Literature

College English

College Level American Literature

College Political Science

Constitutional Law

Contract Law

Criminal Law


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

Family Law

High School English

High School Level American Literature

High School Political Science

High School Writing

Intellectual Property Law


Legal Writing

Political Science

Property Law

Public Speaking

Social Sciences

Tort Law


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