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A photo of Kira, a tutor from High Point University


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Hi! My name is Kira and I am a recent graduate from High Point University. I earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees in Computer Science and Game Design and graduated with minors in Math and Business Administration. I have been tutoring and instructing math (more specifically Calculus and Algebra) since my freshman year of college, and I love it. I'm a passionate and energetic person who loves to share her enthusiasm with everyone. These traits are my greatest strengths when it comes to working with students, and I look forward to getting the opportunity to work with you!

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Kira’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: High Point University - Bachelor in Arts, Computer Science

Graduate Degree: Clemson University - Master of Fine Arts, Digital Arts

Test Scores

ACT Composite: 32

GRE Quantitative: 167

GRE Verbal: 160


Singing, Musical Theatre, Drawing, Dirtbike Riding, Japanese culture

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