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A photo of Hsuan Wei, a tutor from Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus

Hsuan Wei

Certified Tutor

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I received my Bachelor's degree from Penn State and Master's degree from Columbia University, both of them in Actuarial Science. Due to my academic background, I have a very strong foundation in different areas in mathematics, especially statistics. While it is tempting and easy for students to simply want to know and teachers to want to teach "how to solve the problem", I believe that it is very important to understand why the question is solved the way it is. This helps people to understand not only how the problem is solved, but also helps to build their problem solving skills in general. Outside of academia, I enjoy a variety of games, from board games to computer games and also basketball.

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Hsuan Wei’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Actuarial Science

Graduate Degree: Columbia University in the City of New York - Master of Science, Actuarial Science

Test Scores

SAT Math: 800

GRE Quantitative: 159


Basketball, computer games, TV, food

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