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A photo of Amin, a tutor from University of Maryland


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In 2015, I graduated from UMD with a Bachelor in Cell Biology & Genetics. I have been a part-time tutor with different private and non-profit organisations around the DMV area since 2012. I have tutored Elementary through College students in a variety of subjects including math, English, chemistry, biology, physics, and Arabic, both in person and online. By tutoring at a test prep company, I have gained extensive experience with SAT/ACT prep. By working as a certified tutor with Montgomery College's Disabilities Support Services Learning Center, I have extensive experience tutoring students with learning disabilities. I establish a personalized study plan with all of my students and do everything I can to make sure they succeed.

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Amin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland - Bachelor of Science, Cellular and Molecular Biology

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