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A photo of Michelle, a tutor from Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary


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I currently work as a 5th and 6th grade math teacher at a charter school in southern New Jersey. Before becoming a teacher, I was an aide at a high school for behavior disorders and learning disorders, I.e. cognitive mild classes and emotionally disturbed classes.

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Michelle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary - Bachelors, Business Administration and German Studies


shopping, browsing the internet, and spending time with people I care about

Tutoring Subjects


Business Ethics

Conversational German

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


English Grammar and Syntax


German 1

German 2

German 3

German 4



Middle School

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing



Special Education

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