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A photo of Alexa, a tutor from Mercy College


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As a current undergraduate student, academics have always been important to me. About a year ago I finished up the college application process and was finally able to sit back and be proud of myself and what I had accomplished throughout my high school career.
Being proud of my academic achievements has always given me such a sense of fulfillment, and by being a tutor I hope to pass that good feeling on :~)

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Alexa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Mercy College - Current Undergrad, Marketing

Test Scores

ACT English: 33

ACT Reading: 35


Reading, writing, listening to music, bike riding, coloring, shopping, traveling, etc

Tutoring Subjects


Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing



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