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A photo of Joshua, a tutor from Arizona State University


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I am a working environmental engineer. I've been a Peace Corps volunteer in Central America, and a soldier in Iraq. I've seen and done a lot of things, and I'm not even 40 yet! But through everything I've done, I've always been a problem solver. This is what led me back to engineering after so walking so many other paths.

I want to pass on my love problem solving in math and science. I'd also like to encourage more young people to gain general problem solving and logical thinking skills. With more young brains awake and working, humanity might be able to save itself from the mess we're in. Are you up to the challenge?

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Joshua’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Arizona State University - Bachelors, Conservation Biology

Graduate Degree: University of Arizona - Masters, Environmental Engineering

Test Scores

GRE Verbal: 166


DIY in general; metal-work and knife-making specifically. Jogging.

Tutoring Subjects




GRE Verbal

High School Writing


Life Sciences


Microsoft Excel

Middle School Math

Middle School Writing




Spanish 1

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Sentence diagramming can be useful. It allows a reader to trace who is doing what to whom. Carried through a paragraph, it can create a visual representation of the actions conducted by the characters.

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