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A photo of Shaquille, a tutor from Northern Virginia Community College


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Shaquille is a true leader who has compassion for the children's heart. With a knack for knowledge, he utilizes his intellect and abilities as an instructional assistant for the Arlington Public School system. He brings a creative side to tutoring his out going and free spirit. Shaquille's background working with grades pre-k through 6th in Montessori, Special Education, Resource and General areas of study has allowed him to pursue a degree in Elementary Education through the Assistant to Teacher scholarship program.

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Shaquille’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Northern Virginia Community College - Current Undergrad, Elementary Education


Basketball, Binge Watching, Writing Poetry, Hiking, Reading, Self teaching, music engineering, family time, Superhero comics/movies, Technology/Gadgets

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing



Middle School

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

Learn what you want to know, not what you are forced to know.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

Create ice-breaker activities to build a new relationship with a student.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

By guiding them to understand how their mind/body works. Maximizing their learning styles on what works for them.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

Figure out what the root of the problem is. What step do they get confused on and how we can reinforce the lesson for their needs?

How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?

By practicing comprehension activities. Breaking down material piece by piece, understanding what we read.

What strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a student?

If the teacher is entertaining to the student, then they will stay engaged. Making a child laugh while learning is key.

How do you adapt your tutoring to the student's needs?

Meeting the student at their level instead of forcing them to meet someone else's standards.

How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?

Praising what's right and encouraging on what was done wrong.

How do you evaluate a student's needs?

By talking to that student. Understanding what they have trouble with and what they have interest in, and then combining the two.

How would you help a student get excited/engaged with a subject that they are struggling in?

Using entertainment. Interactive tools and games that helps the student forget they are learning something they don't like.

What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?

Asking the student relevant questions as the lesson goes along. Using previous information to help understand the new.

What types of materials do you typically use during a tutoring session?

IPad, whiteboard, worksheets, objects and tools that are relevant, but most importantly, the students mind.

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