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A photo of Kristofer, a tutor from Worcester Polytechnic Institute


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I'm a very experienced, highly qualified tutor operating out of the North Shore (Salem). I've been teaching high school math for eight years (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus AP), and have many years of experience teaching and tutoring high school students, home-schooled students, college students and adults in writing, mathematics, the sciences and test preparation.

My academic background is varied--I've studied writing (technical, professional and creative), civil engineering and biochemistry extensively at the undergraduate level, and education and mathematics at the graduate level.

In my own classroom, I incorporate a variety of methods and tools to help all of my students reach their potential, and to this point in my teaching career have enjoyed a great deal of success.

My tutoring sessions tend to be focused, involve a mixture of discussion, practice and instruction, and are often followed by practice in writing or other assignments.

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Kristofer’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Bachelors, Civil Engineering/Writing

Graduate Degree: Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Masters, Math


Acting, Playwrighting, Reading, Ballroom Dancing, Gardening, Building Furniture

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