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A photo of Alejandra, a tutor from Union County College


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I have been told that I am a "born teacher," but this is not the case. If anything, I was born a learner, and along the way I learned how to teach. To me, a large part of teaching is figuring out how people learn. I am passionate about education because I am a constant learner myself. I believe that a key element in teaching a foreign language is to keep the student motivated. My personal style of tutoring brings enthusiasm and cultural elements. I teach with a contagious smile and open personality that helps me to interact with a student as I guide them through their learning process. Teaching my native Spanish language enables me to draw upon my own culture and personal experience as a foreign language learner as I teach my students to effectively communicate with me in my own language and, perhaps more importantly, to gain an appreciation for another language and culture. I strive to promote cross-cultural awareness and appreciation. As a native of Mexico, I try to bring as much of my culture into the learning process as possible. I believe that effective tutors understand what knowledge their students already have, and find a way to tap into that knowledge and build upon it. The results I have seen so far are quite positive. One thing that all of my students can agree on is that they never forget how much I love to teach them, and the passion and energy I devote to their learning process. It is often translated into their passion to think and learn, and that is why I love teaching Spanish.

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Alejandra’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Union County College - Bachelors, Industrial Design


As an Industrial Designer, I enjoy going to the MOMA, MET and any art events. I like outdoors activities such as baseball and football. I play the piano and my favorite composer is Claude Debussy.

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational Spanish



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

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