I am very interested in teaching. I had my Ph.D. degree in Nutritional Biology at UC Davis in March, 2016. Ten years training, research, and teaching at two elite universities make me a competitive candidate for this position.
I grew up in a family of teachers, a team with members from kindergartens to universities. As a little a child, my favorite game was to mimic my mom to give a lecture about what I learned at school, but I was not certain at a teacher career until I took a Teaching Assistant (TA) job for the class "Discovery and Concepts in Nutrition"NUT10 at UC Davis in 2012. The class is the national largest and most popular one on campus with thousands of students. It is not just the workload, a thousand students alone formed a formidable challenge to TAs. I was surprised that I was able to give my first review lecture, without much fear, to students. In fact, I enjoy the moment standing at the podium in the classroom. It was then I knew I am a teacher at heart. I incline to consistent to my family career tree: an instructor or professor at college/university, the finest job I know.
Being the national largest general education class in Science & Engineering, NUT10 exposes me to students with very diverse backgrounds. Students are commonly in different majors, knowledge levels and countries. Talking with them, answering their questions, helping them to know a healthier diet, I feel that my life is illuminated. In trial and error, I learn the classroom triage: challenge the best students to take them out of their comfort zone; support the middle by pushing them hard, and provide skills to the struggling by helping them survive the course. I enjoy my work and earn the respect of my students. However, teaching is not always rosy. Often, it is the time to deal with a lot of emails, the ability to handle the special requirements of students of incapability, and the patience to track projects of thousands of students and find out why some didn't finish. The TA job I took may be the toughest one at Davis, but I survived and passed the bar of thousands students.
Also, the training at UC Davis enhances my time management skills. I can handle the overlap between research and teaching, and smoothly shift between multiple tasks in a short period. I know that being busy isn't the same as being effective. I like to schedule a reasonable to-do list with marks of priority for each, so I can consistently meet the goal they set up. I feel this merit is necessary for the position and will be further enhanced there.
I like teaching and always feel that it is a very rewarding activity. I feel at my heart that I have a strong desire to help students learn; I believe that I will be an excellent instructor.