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A photo of Johnathan, a tutor from Michigan State University


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I love learning new stuff! Although this is a simplistic statement this idea is at the heart of why I chose to become an educator. Every time I have the privilege of leading instruction either virtually or on-ground, I learn something new. The opportunity to pass that feeling on to students is why I am excited to have the opportunity to work with Varsity Tutors. My experience teaching college and high school students from various age groups, backgrounds, and different skill levels has perfectly prepared me to be help students further their understanding in the area of English literature and composition.

Since moving to Las Vegas from Michigan I have been teaching for Clark County School District and the College of Southern Nevada. I look forward to tutoring and helping all students fulfill their educational endeavors. Thanks

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Johnathan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Michigan State University - Bachelors, English

Graduate Degree: Wayne State University - Masters, English

State Certified Teacher


Mountain Biking, Wriitng Poetry, Writing For Television

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I have encountered many varied teaching strategies that may be of some benefit. With so much to choose from it is important for the educator to pick what they feel will work best for them. The strategies that I know to work in the classroom are from Marvin Marshall. Marshall’s strategies include promoting responsibility rather than obedience, relying on internal motivation rather than external motivation, and proactive rather than reactive learners. He also stresses non-coercion rather than coerciveness, empowering rather than overpowering the student, being positive rather than negative, reflective rather than impulsive, establishing positivity, choice, and reflection as life-long practices. I have found these practices are very successful when implemented. Also teaching is a customer service position and should be approached that way by educators. Therefore it is my responsibility to ensure students receive the best education that I can provide.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

I would ask them what their goals were and what they were looking to accomplish during the session. Then I would work to meet that expectation.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

By teaching problem solving skills and how to think overall.

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