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A photo of Joseph, a tutor from University of Pennsylvania


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With a Bachelor's degree in Biological Basis of Behavior, I know that laughter really isn't the best medicine; however, it sure does help when you're teaching. I love helping others understand a wide range of subjects, and I do it with enthusiasm, patience, and humor. After focusing on math and science classes in college, I've gained the ability to analyze problems from many different perspectives and help others solve a multitude of problems. Although, what I bring to tutoring sessions is more than just a knowledge of academic material. Communicating effectively is the most important step in teaching and learning, and I always prioritize this in my lessons. Struggling in a course or before a test is never fun, but learning can be. I can help you get there!

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Joseph’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pennsylvania - Bachelors, Biological Basis of Behavior

Test Scores

SAT Composite (1600 scale): 1550

SAT Math: 800

SAT Verbal: 750

SAT Writing: 720


Writing, comedy, running, film and television

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