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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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I graduated from MIT in 2007 with a B.S. in Mathematics. While I was there, I immersed myself in a wide array of math subjects including calculus, analysis, linear algebra, probability, and group theory. For 7 years afterwards, I worked as a software developer for a company that helps people manage their financial assets for retirement. This past year, I've been a teaching assistant in game theory for the Center for Talented Youth as well as an academic mentor with the Breakthrough Greater Boston volunteer program.

What excites me most about being a math tutor is the opportunity to help middle- and high-school students resolve their confusion surrounding logical abstractions and let them ultimately take ownership of those concepts. I specialize in those subjects where frustration can easily set in as certain notions that appear removed from reality are introduced but not necessarily framed properly: algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and calculus. My goal for any student I tutor is to foster a sense of confidence in their intellectual ability and a comfort with abstract systems that translates into success in their independent learning. With practice, I believe anyone with a curious mind has the ability to see past the complexity of mathematical ideas and appreciate their underlying elegance.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Bachelors, Mathematics


Video games, guitar, graphic novels, puzzles

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