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A photo of Reanna, a tutor from Bucknell University


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I love to learn. Even more, I love to help kids learn. Every now and then, we all need a little helping hand. I am thrilled and honored to be able to be that help for young students. I am a hard worker who likes to see sweat and smiles turn into success.

In 2007, I graduated from Bucknell University with a B.S. in Elementary Education and a PA teaching certification. I spent some time teaching dramatic arts to students in Austin, Texas before I moved to New Orleans in 2008. There I taught kindergarten for two years and helped develop a fun after school program for our students. In 2010 I moved to NYC for graduate school at Teachers College, Columbia University. I had the pleasure to work as a service learning coordinator for PS 92 in Harlem with students from kindergarten to fourth grade. After graduating with my masters in Educational Leadership, I began working at a charter school in Newark, NJ. I spent three years teaching second grade at that school until moving into my current position as a curriculum designer for an educational organization. In my role as a curriculum designer, I work hard to prepare daily lessons for teachers around the country that lead students to mastery in literacy instruction.

My passion in education is to provide students with opportunities so that they can develop future opportunities. Any student has countless possibilities in front of them as long as their education is solid and their mind and heart share the same goals. I am happy to help your kiddo on the path to being the difference he or she wants to make in the world!

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Reanna’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Bucknell University - Bachelors, Elementary Education

Graduate Degree: Teachers College at Columbia University - Masters, Educational Leadership


art, football, family, movies (pixar), singing, my dog, cooking, LEARNING!

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading



High School English

Homework Support


ISEE- Lower Level





Special Education


SSAT- Elementary Level

Test Prep


Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I start where you are to get you where you need to be. Fun and hard work will get us to the goal.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

At a first session, I'll ask students questions about him/herself so that I can get to know them. I would do some initial testing and have a conversation with his or her parents to discuss goals for the tutoring sessions.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I believe students become independent when they know their goal and how they can get there. A routine for learning and some resources to help them goes a long way in creating a courageous, risk taking, confident learner.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

No one likes to do work unless there is something that interests them! What does the student like? How does he/she like to learn? I'll use them all. Plus, who doesn't like to see their own progress? I like to track a student's hard work so they can take ownership of their learning.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

If practice isn't working, learning a new skill might require a new way of thinking. When a student has trouble with a skill or concept, I work hard to find another strategy that will help him/her succeed.

How do you help students who are struggling with reading comprehension?

Reading comprehension can stem from many underlying causes. We first need to figure out if decoding is an issue. Then, we can check for self-monitoring. Asking questions, making connections, and drawing conclusions are all important parts of a student's ability to comprehend. Checking and working on each skill is important.

What techniques would you use to be sure that a student understands the material?

When students can create or evaluate something from the knowledge they've gained, I am positive they know it. I know a student is successful when he or she is able to apply their knowledge in multiple contexts and manipulate what they know in order to answer any question.

How do you build a student's confidence in a subject?

Success builds confidence. A student's ability to believe in their learning is reliant on the student's ability to see their growth and achievement.

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