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A photo of Susan, a tutor from College of Saint Benedict


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I have been in education all of my adult life. In my first career, I spent 20 years in the field of Early Childhood Development and Education. I worked directly with infants and toddlers, worked in two Head Start programs in a management capacity; one in Colorado and another in Oregon. I also curated the Infant/Toddler exhibit at The Children's Museum of Houston.
I earned my Secondary Spanish teaching certificate in 2010. I have taught Spanish I,II and III for 6 years in local public schools. ( I would have loved to teach Spanish IV, but my school did not offer it).

I have tutored independently in the past and had a lot of success with helping my students to get a handle on this "foreign" concept of a foreign language. :-D It's my practice to ask about your experience with the language, what your current difficulties are, and what you think you need. Based on what you tell me, I start reviewing concepts to find out how comfortable you are and where to start to support you in mastering concepts now and in the future. You will often have at least a basic understanding of some concepts that your teacher hasn't yet gotten to in class, giving you the advantage of being able to catch on faster than your classmates.

I am happy to help you with specific assignments and can also bring practice sheets for you to strengthen your understanding and skill with reading, writing and speaking the language. I look forward to helping you gain confidence and improve your Spanish grade!

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Susan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: College of Saint Benedict - Bachelors, Early Childhood

Undergraduate Degree: College of Saint Benedict - Bachelors, Early Childhood


reading, movies, seeing friends

Tutoring Subjects

Conversational Spanish



Spanish 1

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

I believe in making concepts accessible to students by meeting them at their level of comfort and capability. I help grow their skills from that point. I am engaging and think that learning at any age should be fun whenever possible. When teaching in groups, I prefer to review concepts through games, and have created many. I view my job as a tutor to be to help you gain confidence in the Spanish language by showing you parallels between it and English, and by demonstrating and practicing concepts with you until you are comfortable and ready to move on. I will help you anyway that I can (short of doing it for you :-D).

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