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A photo of Valerie, a tutor from Union College


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I received my B.S. from Union College where I majored in Chemistry and double minored in Dance and Theatrical Makeup. I then received my M.S. from Boston College where I specialized in Organic Chemistry. I have been teaching Chemistry and Physical Science in public and private high school for the past 3 years. I have been doing private tutoring Chemistry since I was a sophomore in college. I particularly love showing students how what they are studying is directly related to the world around them using traditional lecture as well as interactive visuals. I truly believe every student can succeed at science and do everything in my power to instill a passion and love for science in all my students. Outside of science, I spend most of my free time reading, running or performing in various dance companies.

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Valerie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Union College - Bachelor of Science, Chemistry

Graduate Degree: Boston College - Master of Science, Organic Chemistry

Test Scores

SAT Math: 710


Chemistry, Dance, Theater, Reading, Coffee

Tutoring Subjects

AP Chemistry


College Chemistry

High School Chemistry

Honors Chemistry


SAT Math

SAT Mathematics

SAT Subject Test in Chemistry

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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