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A photo of Dana, a tutor from Longwood University


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My role as a teacher is to recognize that each classroom has a variety of individuals that carry unique abilities and learning styles. As a teacher I will ensure that students are involved in a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere in which they can grow intellectually and socially. In order to accomplish this goal I will be sure to present lessons that revolve around the interest of children and makes learning relevant to life. Furthermore I will incorporate hands-on learning, individual work, group work, themes, and integrated units to allow children to be active learners.

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Dana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Longwood University - Bachelor of Science, Education K-6

Graduate Degree: Longwood University - Master of Science, Algebra and Middle School Math


Hiking, drawing, crafting, photography, and seeing her family.

Q & A

What is your teaching philosophy?

My role as a teacher is to recognize that each classroom has a variety of individuals that carry unique abilities and learning styles. As a teacher, I will ensure that students are involved in a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere in which they can grow intellectually and socially. In order to accomplish this goal, I will be sure to present lessons that revolve around the interest of children and make learning relevant to life. Furthermore, I will incorporate hands-on learning, individual work, group work, themes, and integrated units to allow children to be active learners.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

In my first session with a student, I believe it is good to start off with an introduction to find out their interests. This can help me as a teacher create lessons that are relatable to the things that they like to do. During this time, I also think it is important to complete a pre-assessment so that I can see what the student already knows about the subject.

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

I believe it is important to ask students to justify their answers. By asking students to explain their thinking, eventually they will independently come up with an answer. If they are able to explain how and why their conclusion is valid, then they will know that they understand the material.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

I believe the best way to get a student excited about mathematics is to create a relationship between their interests and the math. Furthermore, it can be helpful to relate these concepts to real-life scenarios so that they are able to see that math is very applicable. Not only this, but I believe it is also important to show the student how much progress they have made throughout the year. This will allow students to see that they have been succeeding.

If a student has difficulty learning a skill or concept, what would you do?

I will pose a question for the student to look at the concept or skill in a different way. This can be through another strategy or by bringing their attention to something that they are missing. Instead of pointing out what the student is doing incorrectly, it is my job to lead them in the right direction.

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