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A photo of Charles, a tutor from Community College of Allegheny County


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For as long as I can remember, I've always loved math. Two years ago, I went back to school and began my journey towards becoming a Chemical Engineer. I have started out at Community College of Allegheny County and plan to finish my degree at the University of Pittsburgh. While at CCAC, I began to tutor students and developed a passion for it, particularly when it comes to mathematics. Exploring the language of mathematics can be incredibly fun, challenging and rewarding, this is something I always try to impart on anyone I may help. While I'm not studying you'll find me reading for pleasure or outdoors engaging in one of many activities.

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Charles’ Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Community College of Allegheny County - Unknown, Chemical Engineering


Outdoors Activities (climbing, hiking, kayaking, etc...), Reading, Coooking

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