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A photo of Michelle, a tutor from University of South Florida


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Tutoring provides me the opportunity to work one on one with you as a student, allowing me to problem solve, assist with tough concepts, and be available to test out and pursue new ideas as they are developed during our sessions. I successfully taught 8th grade for 3 years, so I have the patience and experience to work through difficulties and approach subjects from different viewpoints. I continue to be certified to teach all levels of social studies and grades 5-9 in mathematics. I am also skilled in academic writing as it pertains to Common Core. While I no longer teach, I am still eager to help students learn.

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Michelle’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of South Florida - Bachelor in Arts, Education - Social Science


Reading and outdoor activities

Tutoring Subjects

5th Grade Math

College English

College Level American History

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Level American History




Public Speaking


Social Studies



Q & A

How can you help a student become an independent learner?

Recognizing how you learn and developing study strategies that match both your style and preference in learning will transfer to subjects beyond our initial scope.

How would you help a student stay motivated?

When a person is struggling with an idea, it is best to set it aside and do something TOTALLY different. Engage a different area of brain by dancing, reading, drawing, listening to music, cleaning... anything! Then, when you return to the idea, you've got a new frame of mind to tackle and integrate the concept.

What might you do in a typical first session with a student?

A first session would involve a learning style inventory and goal setting.

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