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A photo of Erica, a tutor from University of Maryland-College Park


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I have earned my degree in Elementary Education from University of Maryland-College Park in 2011. I believe that education is freedom. Education allows those that were once silent to be heard. I am a great educator because I have had successful teaching experiences in the Prince George’s County Public Schools system. I am highly qualified to teach all Pre-K. through Grade 6 subjects. Evidence of student achievement is documented through standardized test scores and student learning objectives. In my spare time, I enjoy the outdoors, traveling and painting.

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Erica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland-College Park - Bachelors, Elementary Education


Nature, traveling and visiting museums.

Tutoring Subjects


College Biology

College English

Comparative Literature

Earth Science

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School Biology

High School English





Public Speaking





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