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A photo of Caleob, a tutor from University of Kansas


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Meeting the challenges of 21st century life requires a combination of mental flexibility and detailed technical knowledge that can be hard to acquire. I am committed to fostering these qualities in the students I tutor.

After working as a mechanical engineer in industry for over 10 years, I know how academic subjects translate into the ability to complete a job well and offer the kind of value employers will pay for (and colleges are after). I specifically know how abstract subjects like mathematics can be applied to real-world problems, and how much a little attention to writing and communication can help those who are already technically proficient in math and science.

I specialize in math and science courses where I believe my past experience is most relevant, but feel I am competent to advise students on reading comprehension portions of many tests, which benefit from a logical approach. I'm a believer in studying hard, but building balance into your life and schedule. A tutor should help you to study better and more efficiently so you can make time for the things that matter in your life.

I attended the University of Kansas, graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering. After several years in the industry, I am currently going back to school to receive my degree in education, with the intention to teach high-school mathematics courses. I enjoy reading, sailing, and biking.

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Caleob’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Kansas - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering


Theater, sailing, gaming, reading, and biking

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

Algebra 3/4

AP Physics 2


Calculus 2


College Algebra

College Chemistry

College Computer Science

College Physics

Computer Science

Differential Equations

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Finite Mathematics


High School Chemistry

High School Computer Science

High School Physics

Industrial Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Middle School Science

Physical Science





Statics and Dynamics

Technology and Coding

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