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A photo of Jessica, a tutor from Wilkes University


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I am a graduate of Wilkes University. I received my Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education and Special Education with a concentration in Reading. Since graduation I have had the opportunity to gain teaching experiences in every grade from 1st through 12th. I have focused my career on Math and Reading at the middle school or primary level and I enjoy teaching both of those extremely important subjects. My time as a Special Education teacher has allowed me many opportunities to work one on one with students and it is exceptionally rewarding to watch students grow and gain knowledge in that setting. I currently hold a teaching position with the Philadelphia School District and therefore have a great understanding of what skills students need to be successful in today's rigorous curriculum.

Outside of my teaching career, I enjoy traveling and hope to see a different country each year. This past summer I had the opportunity to travel to both Spain and Italy and enhance my life through learning about the similarities and differences within the European culture. When I am not able to travel, I like to enrich my life by reading novels, participating in 5K runs and cheering on my favorite sports teams. My teaching style reflects my desire to be a life long learner. I believe that you can learn something from everyone you meet and every encounter. Education is truly the key to a quality life and one should never stop searching for knowledge. I truly believe that by spending my time tutoring and teaching children I can both enrich others lives as well as my own. I believe one must share knowledge to gain knowledge and must do so in a compassionate and patient manner. I understand that each person has various learning styles and I do my best to adapt my teaching to meeting each individual student's needs.

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Jessica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wilkes University - Bachelor in Arts, Education


Reading, Movies, Sports, Running, Traveling

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