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A photo of Zachary, a tutor from University of Pittsburgh


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My friends and I have realized something through the hours spent laboring over long homework sets and the intensive weeks crammed with studying for 16-chapter cumulative final exams: working with other people helps. An extra mind proves its usefulness when you turn to your friend and ask, "so what exactly is the 'enthalpy' of a system and what does it mean?" As your friend picks up a dry erase marker, walks over to the board and spends the next 10 minutes kneading the idea into your head you come to understand how a bit of help from another, a 'tutor,' can make a world of difference. These are the tutoring and teaching experiences I have had.

I am enrolled in my final class needed to complete a BS in physics from the University Honors College at the University of Pittsburgh. I graduate this coming April and I hope to be able to pass along all that I have learned. I look forward to helping your child on the path to success.

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Zachary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Pittsburgh - Bachelor of Science, Physics


Music - playing, listening, writing - I love it all.

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2

AP Calculus AB

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 2



College Algebra

College Physics

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math

High School Physics


Newtonian Mechanics




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