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A photo of Saskia, a tutor from University of Arizona


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I am a graduate of the University of Arizona. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Classics with a focus on Roman history, disease in the ancient world, and public health. During my undergraduate studies I studied abroad in Italy and focusses on Roman architecture and art history. Since graduation I have completed a Masters in Public Health with a focus on epidemiology and infectious diseases. I have been fortunate to teach for two years at an online university, helping students pursue their dreams of medical coding and billing. I taught classes on medical ethics, anatomy, public health, healthcare compliance, etc. During this time I also completed a Master in Arts, focusing on international security and policy. I thoroughly enjoy helping students not only understand their studies but feel comfortable with the material so that they can apply their own experiences to it. Education and the pursuit of knowledge are passions of mine, so I truly love getting to help students have their "aha!" moment with a tough subject. Getting to see the happiness that comes after understanding and enjoying an academic lesson or subject makes my day! In my spare time, I enjoy pilates, spending time with my rescue dogs, and reading.

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Saskia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Arizona - Bachelor in Arts, Classics

Graduate Degree: University of Arizona - Master in Public Health, Epidemiology

Graduate Degree: University of Arizona - Master of Arts, International Security & Policy


Spending time with my rescue dogs, spin, pilates, reading, and traveling.

Tutoring Subjects

8th Grade Writing

9th Grade Writing


College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature



Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing




Middle School Math

Middle School Writing


Public Health


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