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A photo of Linda, a tutor from University of Maryland


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I have spent my professional career of 25+ years working in K-12 and higher education.
I received my Bachelor of Arts in Music Performance at the University of Maryland. My first Master's degree is from the University of Portland in Music Education and my second, a
Master of Science degree in Arts Administration from Drexel University. I was executive director of an arts education organization that reached 70,000 PreK-12 students each year. There I developed curriculum-based programs to bring artist residencies into schools. My current position is that of marketing director at a college of music at a large urban university. What I most enjoy about my past and current jobs is interacting and mentoring college and high school students -- talking to them about their goals and helping them to prepare to enter the workforce. I was a reading tutor for adults through a YMCA program and taught private piano lessons to children and seniors. I am a member of several cultural organizations as well as the local rotary club. In my spare time, I play piano, quilt and read.

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Linda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Maryland - Bachelor in Arts, Music

Graduate Degree: Drexel University - Master of Science, Arts Administration


Quilting, playing piano, reading

Tutoring Subjects

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