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A photo of Cheryl, a tutor from University of South Florida-Main Campus


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After earning my Master's degree from the University of South Florida, I had a long teaching career in the public school system. My first assignment was teaching Deaf high school students and a few years later, I added a new American Sign Language program to the school where I was teaching. This was a great balance between working intensively with students who had special learning needs and interacting with students pursuing a diploma along the traditional track. Years later, I transferred to the elementary level, where I had the pleasure of teaching in classrooms for students with special needs, as well as basic education settings. Throughout my teaching career, I've worked with students of all ages, in a wide variety of subjects. Regardless of the age or content, my greatest joy comes when I I see the incredible expression on a student's face that tells me, "Now I understand. I can do this!" When I'm not busy teaching, I enjoy photography, traveling, gardening, and spending time with my family, including my lovable dog, Baxter.

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Cheryl’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of South Florida-Main Campus - Master of Science, Aural (Re)Habilitation


Photography, gardening, crafts, and cooking.

Tutoring Subjects


American Sign Language


College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

FCAT 2.0 Prep

High School English



Middle School Math




Test Prep


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