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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Rollins College


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I am a graduate of Rollins College in Winter Park, FL and of the University of Central Florida. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Masters in Exceptional Student Education K-12 with an ESOL endorsement. Since graduation from Rollins College, I have immersed myself in education while trying to gain as much experience in the field as possible. After graduating from Rollins, I interned at a facility that specialized in educating students with autism and individually working with each student to assist them in reaching their academic potential. From there, I began working as a paraprofessional at a charter school that also educates students with autism. I worked there for three years before I transferred to my current job as a middle school InD teacher. I really enjoy the job and actually began my job as a tutor as a result. A parent of one of my students asked if I could begin tutoring her over the summer to keep her on track for the upcoming school year. Before I knew it, I was tutoring her brother (3rd grade) and another one of my students. I really enjoy tutoring and working one-on-one with students to achieve their academic goals. I particularly like working with students in math, writing, grammar, reading, and phonics. In my experience, I have noticed that many students are lacking education in developing the basic skills that can help them in reading (identifying letter sounds/blending) and in math (looking for key words in word problems/using manipulatives to better understand adding/subtracting/multiplying). I am a firm believer in education, and I believe that it is absolutely necessary to have in order for them to reach their full potential and reach their goals!

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Rollins College - Bachelor in Arts, Psychology

Graduate Degree: University of Central Florida - Master of Arts, ESE w/ ESOL Endorsement


I enjoy being active. I like working out at the gym, swimming, and even going for long walks around my neighborhood! I also enjoy reading and playing with my pet bunny, Kyle!

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Comparative Literature

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


English Grammar and Syntax

High School English






Special Education


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