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A photo of Shelby, a tutor from Gettysburg College


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I hold a B.A. from Gettysburg College in English, a M.A. in American Studies and Social Policy from Georgetown University, and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Delaware. While earning my degrees, I have also worked in health policy for various non-profits and academic institutions for 15 years. In addition, I taught both full time and as an adjunct college professor for 7 years total. During my time as a professor, I worked one on one with many students to help them gain a better understanding of concepts covered in the courses and researching and writing papers. It is very important that students understand the subject material and can express their understanding through thoroughly researched, written, and edited papers. I believe that life is a series of courses in education; it does not stop when you leave school. To that end, I enjoy traveling around the world, having traveled to Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean for work and pleasure. Everywhere I go, I try to visit museums, historical sites, and common places the people enjoy in the region. In my spare time, I enjoy working out at the gym, pilates, reading, movies, and cultural and sporting events in the area.

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Shelby’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Gettysburg College - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: University of Delaware - PHD, Political Science and Government


Travel, reading, movies, museums, gym, and sports.

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing


High School English



Political Science

Social Sciences

Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


US Constitutional History


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